I cannot find my loved one artwork on your website?
- We have not yet added it in the back end. Either because we have not yet received the art piece, or because we are in the process of doing it. We process received artworks once per month. Once the artwork is processed, we send a notification (letter or email) to the incarcerated artist.
- The artwork has sold, which means it is automatically moved to the "SOLD" section.
My loved one submitted a piece for your art contest (2020/2021) but I don't see it available for sale?
It is because your loved one art piece has been selected for the coffee table art book. We keep these original pieces to accompany the book that will be later distributed to social justice organizations to promote the prison reform we facilitate in Colorado in other States.
How do I know that my or my loved one artwork has sold?
It will appear in the "SOLD" section on the "Original Artworks" tab.
How much of the proceeds go to the artist?
| 50% of original artwork sales proceeds go to the artists. The other half goes to us to support the costs of the marketplace, marketing, etc...
| A 10% royalty goes to the artist for each print on demand sales featuring their artwork.
How do you pay the incarcerated artists?
For original artworks, we pay within 60 days after the sale date.
For print on demand, we pay every 6 months, providing that the total accrued amount is at least equal to $25.
As for the payment method, we follow the procedure requested by the artist in the contract:
- deposit on artist's account
- check/cash app to a designated loved one
- donation to Art for Redemption
Why should I buy prison art?
Purchasing art made by incarcerated artists benefits many bodies at once:
1. For the artist - The artist can buy daily necessary items from commissary such as soap, toothpaste, etc... Yes, the prison population is fed and given first needs products, but it is not enough to satisfy hunger or to maintain hygiene. The food quality in US prison is often reaching the limit of what's edible and is being wielded as a further form of punishment – one linked with chronic illnesses such as diabetes and hypertension. The adverse impacts of eating while incarcerated affect people long after their reentry into the community.
The mental health benefits of art are proven. Creating is a path for self-introspection, a focus for the mind and eye opener.
2. For the families & friends - Staying in contact with friends and families is essential to staying sane and feed the inmate's determination to do good in order to be release someday. Communication is ran by private companies and a 15 minutes phone calls costs in average $5.74. That cost is generally passed on to the families of incarcerated people — who are disproportionately low-income, and disproportionately people of color. More than one-third of families with incarcerated relatives go into debt to cover the cost of staying in touch.
Staying in communication is not only necessary for the person behind walls, it is also a need for the loved one outside. For the son who's parent is not physically present in his life, so the impact of incarceration does not keep feeding the same pattern generation after generation.
3. For society - Enabling incarcerated artists to sell their art allows them to contribute to societal debts such as restitution, victim funds of child support. The cost of incarceration per States average $25,000 to $30,000 per incarcerated individual annually.
The average US recidivism rate within 5 years reaches 76.6%. When released from prison, sometimes after decades of incarceration, released individuals receive little to no money. They have to find employment, housing, transportation, navigating through the discrimination attached to their permanent status as a felon. For the ones with no outside support or money saved up previously to incarceration, the chances of success are extremely low. We aim to offer a viable financial outlet where artists can accumulates savings while serving time, greatly increasing the chances for a successful reentry.
How do I know what the artist is incarcerated for?
All criminal records are public. With the name of the artist and the State, you can find this information on the corresponding DOC website. For example, type in the search bar "California Inmate Search" and click on the official DOC website.
Can I make a donation?
We often get asked about making a donation, and while we appreciate the gesture— we do not accept them. We would rather you purchase an artwork, so the funds go to us and to the artist. Which is the core of our mission. And you get a stunning art piece as well!
What happens when I leave a message for the incarcerated artist in my cart?
We will pass on your note to the incarcerated artist either via email (when their State & facility allow it) or via standard US mail. If a response is received, we'll send you an email with the artist's answer. Staying connected to the outside world and receiving direct feedback from you, the new owner of their masterpiece, has an enormous impact on the artist's confidence and mental health. We strive to bridge this gap between inside & outside prison walls so the link isn't so broken when the release date has arrived. *This is optional. You do not have to send a message to complete your order.
Important: We do not disclose your personal information (full name, email, phone number, addresses, gender, etc...) to the incarcerated artists. This stays entirely secret, we simply pass your message.

Certain works of art on this website are being sold subject to a contract of consignment.